Continuous-time branching processes (CTBPs) are powerful tools in random graph theory, but are not appropriate to describe real-world networks, since they produce trees rather than (multi)graphs. In this paper we analyze collapsed branching processes (CBPs), obtained by a collapsing procedure on CTBPs, in order to define multigraphs where vertices have fixed outdegree m ≥ 2. A key example consists of preferential attachment models (PAMs), as well as generalized PAMs where vertices are chosen according to their degree and age. We identify the degree distribution of CBPs, showing that it is closely related to the limiting distribution of the CTBP before collapsing. In particular, this is the first time that CTBPs are used to investigate the degree distribution of PAMs beyond the tree setting. arXiv:1711.03358v1 [math.PR] 9 Nov 2017 from trees to graphs As the reader can see from the definition, the collapsing procedure combines m individuals together with their edges to create a vertex, and there is an edge between two vertices if and only if there is an edge between a pair of individuals collapsed to create the two vertices. CBP (m) t is a graph where every vertex (except vertex 1) has out-degree m. Self-loops and multiple edges are allowed (see Figure 1 for an example of CBP).We consider the birth time of the vertex n in the multigraph to be τ (n,1) = τ m(n−1)+1 . Thus, vertex n in CBP (m) is considered alive when (n, 1) is alive in ξ. Notice that when n is born, it has only one out-edge, because the other individuals (n, 2), . . . , (n, m) are not yet alive. Clearly, the in-degree at time t of a vertex n in CBP (m) is given by