The Plio-Pleistocene hominin sample from Dmanisi (Georgia), dated to 1.77 million years ago, is unique in offering detailed insights into patterns of morphological variation within a paleodeme of early Homo. Cranial and dentoalveolar morphologies exhibit a high degree of diversity, but the causes of variation are still relatively unexplored. Here we show that wear-related dentoalveolar remodeling is one of the principal mechanisms causing mandibular shape variation in fossil Homo and in modern human huntergatherer populations. We identify a consistent pattern of mandibular morphological alteration, suggesting that dental wear and compensatory remodeling mechanisms remained fairly constant throughout the evolution of the genus Homo. With increasing occlusal and interproximal tooth wear, the teeth continue to erupt, the posterior dentition tends to drift in a mesial direction, and the front teeth become more upright. The resulting changes in dentognathic size and shape are substantial and need to be taken into account in comparative taxonomic analyses of isolated hominin mandibles. Our data further show that excessive tooth wear eventually leads to a breakdown of the normal remodeling mechanisms, resulting in dentognathic pathologies, tooth loss, and loss of masticatory function. Complete breakdown of dentognathic homeostasis, however, is unlikely to have limited the life span of early Homo because this effect was likely mediated by the preparation of soft foods.aging | compensatory mechanisms | toothpick | local periodontitis | early Pleistocene Homo A lthough patterns of dental micro-and macrowear and wearrelated pathologies are amply documented in the hominin fossil record (1-5), processes of in vivo dentoalveolar remodeling (3, 6, 7) and their potential influence on dentognathic morphology are only beginning to be studied in fossil hominins (8). In modern human hunter-gatherer populations, remodeling of dentoalveolar hard tissue is triggered mainly by dental wear, aging, pathologies, and trauma. Wear-related remodeling can be understood as a mechanism of in vivo modification that maintains masticatory function (3,7,(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14). Three main processes are typically identified (Fig. 1): i) Wear-induced reduction of dental crown height leads to alterations in masticatory biomechanics. This triggers alveolar bone remodeling, yielding dislocation of dental structures and eventual continuous eruption of all teeth. As an effect, occlusal contact between upper and lower teeth is maintained (15-17), and the position and orientation of the occlusal plane relative to the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) is held approximately constant, thus preventing the "wear-out" (18) of the TMJs. ii) The reduction of mesiodistal crown dimensions through interproximal dental wear triggers alveolar bone remodeling in the mesiodistal direction. This leads to mesial drift of the postcanine dentition and shortening of the dental arcade (19).iii) In the anterior dentition, remodeling induced by interproximal wear results in increas...