Integrable lattices and their sublattices. II. From the B-quadrilateral lattice to the self-adjoint schemes on the triangular and the honeycomb lattices J. Math. Phys. 48, 113506 (2007) Motivated by the classical studies on transformations of conjugate nets, we develop the general geometric theory of transformations of their discrete analogs: the multidimensional quadrilateral lattices, i.e., lattices x:Z N →R M , NрM , whose elementary quadrilaterals are planar. Our investigation is based on the discrete analog of the theory of the rectilinear congruences, which we also present in detail. We study, in particular, the discrete analogs of the Laplace, Combescure, Lévy, radial, and fundamental transformations and their interrelations. The composition of these transformations and their permutability is also investigated from a geometric point of view. The deep connections between ''transformations'' and ''discretizations'' is also investigated for quadrilateral lattices. We finally interpret these results within the ץ formalism.