The paper aims to study the structural and optical properties of the pressed silver nitrate nanoparticle compound, and know its advantages after pressing.
When studying topography of surface the nanoparticle silver nitrate compound through AFM, and studying the optical properties of its solution through the UV for UV device has this working Mechanism, the highest absorbance we obtained was only at the wavelength of 301nm is, that is, within the visible spectrum (300-700) nm.
By studying the topography of silver nitrate we note surface smoothing and optical properties of the silver nitrate nanoparticle solution, we conclude that the wavelength of the substance is little, i.e. its energy is high (the absorption energy), Therefore, it is used in the field of medical treatments, and deep wounds sterilization.
To increase the efficiency of the silver nitrate compound, it can be converted into a Nano compound by grinding, and pressing.