Ultra-short and intense laser interactions with noble gas are used for accelerating or generating different particles such as electrons, protons or X-rays. Few works have addressed gases, particularly Xenon (Xe). Nevertheless, the analysis of attosecond electron pulses remains a major challenge. Thus, we study clusters of Xe, which leads to high excitation energy. To do this, we adopted the nanoplasma model. Thereby, we simulate the emission electron beam generated by laser absorption to optimize the electron energy and develop ultra-short pulse dense for the development of better detectors capable of resolving higher photon numbers and heat source length. From the simulation results, we found an important production of electrons, proportionally to the number of aggregates under the short and intense laser. In the first ionization, the minimum estimated energy absorbed agrees with the theory. These results enable real progress in different areas, for example, research in physics and chemistry, communication technology, surgery and medical treatment.