By the agar dilution checkerboard method, striking synergy between cefoperazone and imipenem was observed with 32 strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (fractional inhibitory concentration indices, Յ0.03 to 0.34; mean, 0.12 ؎ 0.08). By the double-disk diffusion method, the synergy was confirmed, but about 60% of strains showed antagonism manifest by truncation of the zone of inhibition around cefoperazone. The mechanism may involve auxiliary factors distinct from those essential for the expression of methicillin resistance.Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have become major nosocomial pathogens over the past 15 years. Several recent studies from Japan have shown that combinations of carbapenems with -lactams and cephalosporins with penicillins exhibit synergy against MRSA (13-15). As far as is known, MRSA is resistant to -lactams because of the presence of an altered penicillin-binding protein (PBP 2a) with reduced affinity for methicillin and other -lactam antibiotics (4, 9). We explored the synergy between imipenem and cefoperazone and confirmed the striking degree of synergy noted by others. However, our studies also show that there is a simultaneous concentration-dependent antagonism between these two antibiotics in vitro against MRSA.Antibiotics. Cefoperazone (Roerig Division, Pfizer, Inc., New York, N.Y.) and imipenem (Merck Sharpe & Dohme, West Point, Pa.) powders for in vitro use were generously supplied by their manufacturers. Kirby-Bauer disks were obtained from BBL (Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems, Cockeysville, Md.). Thirty-two strains of MRSA were obtained from the microbiology laboratories of the Shands Hospital and the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Gainesville, Fla. The MRSA isolates grew on medium containing 6 g of oxacillin per ml and were identified by coagulase testing and other conventional methods (Microscan and Vitek). A quality control strain of MRSA from the Shands Hospital Microbiology Laboratory was included in every test run.Synergy testing. The agar dilution checkerboard procedure was performed as described previously (7). Briefly, cefoperazone (2 to 256 g/ml) and imipenem (0.5 to 64 g/ml) were prepared in Ca 2ϩ -and Mg 2ϩ -supplemented Mueller-Hinton agar and were dispensed into 9-cm agar plates. Each plate contained a fixed concentration of each antibiotic alone or in combination. A non-antibiotic-containing control plate was always included. Plates were used within 24 h of preparation. The inoculum was delivered with a Cathra replicate plater and was adjusted to provide approximately 10 4 CFU per spot. The inoculated plates were incubated at 36ЊC for 24 h in a non-CO 2 -containing incubator and were read by one of us (P.B.). A spot was considered positive according to the criteria given in document M7-A2 of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (16). Double-disk diffusion was performed as described previously (7), except that the imipenem disk was placed in the middle and the cefoperazone disks were plac...