In the alcohol industry of Russia, more than 15 million tons of secondary raw materials are used inexpediently. The integrated use of production waste and by-products of processing of plant raw materials will provide additional reserves and sources of nutrients. The purpose of this study was to determine the main parameters of the technological process of obtaining flour from dried distillers grain-frut with solubles possibility of its use as a food ingredient. The technology being developed for processing waste into food products was considered as a continuation of the main technological scheme for obtaining dry bard. The result of the research is the improvement of existing processing stages, as well as the development of new technological parameters for drying, grinding and fractionation of dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS). Research has shown that the technological parameters of the centrifugation stage in the technology being developed will not differ from traditional technology and will depend on the technical equipment of the enterprise. The wet cake was dried to a humidity of 6%. This is lower than in traditional technology (10%). Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the drying mode at 65 °C is preferable, since the specified parameters of the finished products are achieved at the optimal duration of the process. The milling of dried distillers grain-frut with solubles is carried out in two stages. The purpose of the first stage is the grinding of large conglomerates of dried grain and fruit pulp. In the second stage, the pre-milling fraction is sent to a knife mill with an installed shell with a hole diameter of 0.45 mm. The resulting flour from dried distillers grain-frut with solubles is sorted by size using a sieve with a hole size of 0.25 mm. The passing fraction with a yield of 60–70% is flour with particle sizes from 0 to 0.25 mm. The upper fraction obtained in sieving is large particles of flour ranging in size from 0.25 to 0.5 mm with a flour yield of 30-40%. If necessary, re-grinding this fraction will produce flour with a smaller particle size.