Clinical suggestion for the limitation of application time of NaOCl solution is needed to avoid large reductions in resin-dentin bond strength. The aim of this study was to measure the change of μ -tensile bond strength after the various application time of 5.25% NaOCl solution to pulp chamber dentin in endodontic access cavity, and to evaluate the effect of 10% sodium ascorbate application for 10 min on bond strength after the treatment of 5.25% NaOCl solution. In this experiment, there were no statistical differences(p>0.05) in bond strengths between upper chamber dentin and lower chamber dentin. NaOCltreated group for 20 min did not show any significant decrease(p>0.05) in bond strength than non-treated control group. In contrast to that, bond strengths of NaOCl-treated groups for 40 & 80 min were significantly lower(p<0.05) than that of non-treated control group. 10% sodium ascorbate retreated group for 10 min after 5.25% NaOCl application for 40 min to chamber dentin showed the recovery of bond strength significantly. However, the bond strength of sodium ascorbate retreated group after 5.25% NaOCl application for 80 min was still significantly lower(p<0.05) compared to the non-treated control group, which means the reductions in resin-dentin bond strength were not fully reversed. On the contrary, sodium ascorbate retreated group after 5.25% NaOCl application for 5 min showed significantly higher(p<0.05) bond strength compared to the control group, which demonstrates its superior recovery effect. In SEM exminations of specimens retreated with 10% sodium ascorbate after NaOCl application for 40 & 80 min showed that resin tags were formed clearly and densely, but weakly in density and homogeneity of individual resin tag compared to the control specimen. [J Kor Acad Cons Dent 34(5): [515][516][517][518][519][520][521][522][523][524][525] 2009]