The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of customerbased perceptual corporate sustainability on customer loyalty in a comparative manner, in four important industries (mobile telecommunications services, retail banking services, dairy products and personal care products) in a developing country. A consumer survey was implemented among a sample of 1464 consumers from the urban area of a developing European country. Our research reveals that customer-based perceptual corporate sustainability significantly and positively impacts customer loyalty in all investigated industries, with a stronger impact in retail banking services and a lower one in the case of personal care products. The research identifies those perceptual corporate sustainability dimensions which significantly impact customer loyalty and on which companies should focus within their marketing communication in order to increase customer loyalty. The paper brings relevant multi-sectorial insights, filling a regional knowledge gap, in the particular socio-cultural and economic context of a developing country, and thinking forward the general theoretical knowledge regarding the relationship between customer loyalty and perceptual corporate sustainability as complex constructs. Moreover, by using a quasi-exhaustive manner to conceptualise corporate sustainability, this paper complements previous research on the topic, in which corporate sustainability was constructed narrowly, within limited conceptual frameworks.