The phenomenon of the reduction in the propagation speed of an ultrasonic wave when it travels through a fatigue zone has been well studied in the literature. Additionally, it has been established that shear waves are more severely affected by the presence of such a zone, compared with longitudinal waves. Our study utilises these phenomena to develop a method able to characterise the fatigue state of steel pipes. Initially, the existing theory regarding the increased sensitivity of shear waves to the presence of fatigue is validated through measuring and comparing the change in propagation speed of both longitudinal and bulk shear waves on flat geometries, at different fatigue states. The comparison is achieved with the aid of ultrasonic speed C-scans of both longitudinal and shear waves, with the latter now being obtainable through our implementation of advances in Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMAT) technology. EMATs have not been traditionally used for producing C-scans, and their ability do to so with adequate repeatability is demonstrated here; we show that shear wave scanning with EMATs now provides a possibility for inspection of fatigue damage on the inner surface of pressure-containing components in the nuclear power industry. We find that the change in ultrasonic wave speed is amplified when shear waves are used, with the magnitude of this amplification agreeing well with the theory. Following the verification of the theory, the use of EMATs allowed us to tailor the shear wave scanning method to pipe geometries, where C-scans with conventional piezoelectric transducers would not have been possible, with the results successfully revealing the presence of fatigue zones.