“…The detected time spent in active and inactive states could deviate slightly from the true time spent in the two states as the developed state‐detection algorithm rejected ~23% of data as “behaviourally indistinct,” however, the detected changes in video scored locomotor activity were similar to those assessed with infrared beam breaks. Our findings align with previous investigations in rats showing increases in locomotor activity at ketamine doses of ≥ 12 mg/kg (Caixeta et al., ; Hunt et al., ; Imre et al., ; Matulewicz et al., ; Nicolás et al., ; Páleníček et al., ), decreases (Cordon et al., ; Kealy et al., ; Kocsis, ; Nicolás et al., ) or no change (Engin, Treit, & Dickson, ; Gigliucci et al., ) at 10 mg/kg, and mainly no effect at doses between 0.25 and 5 mg/kg (Akinfiresoye & Tizabi, ; Imre et al., ; Réus et al., ; Tizabi, Bhatti, Manaye, Das, & Akinfiresoye, ).…”