Plasma density gradients are known to drive magnetic shocks in electron-magnetohydrodynamics (EMHD). Previous slab modeling has been extended to cylindrical modeling of radially imploding shocks. The main new effect of the cylindrical geometry is found to be a radial dependence in the speed of shock propagation. This is shown here analytically and in numerical simulations. Ion acceleration by the magnetic shock is shown to possibly become substantial, especially in the peaked structures that develop in the shock because of electron inertia. a There are many interesting phenomena that arise in electron-magnetohydrodynamics (EMHD), which is a model of plasma where the ions are taken to be fixed and electrons are modeled as a fluid. 1 One such phenomenon is that the interaction of a current channel with a background-plasma density gradient can drive magnetic shock waves. 2,3 In a one-dimensional Cartesian reduction, these shock waves are described by Burgers' equation, which has analytical shock solutions with a hyperbolic tangent form. Modifications to this solution are necessary if the width D of the shock front is comparable to the electron inertial length δ e = c/ω pe . 1,4 Additionally, it was recently shown that electron-inertial effects can, in two dimensions, cause the shock front to go unstable and generate magnetic vortices. 5 That work was done in the context of a planar shock wave in Cartesian geometry. In this paper, we demonstrate that the previous results also hold for a cylindrical shock wave, such as might be encountered in the geometry of z-pinch, imploding liner, or plasma-filled diode (PFD) experiments. 6-8 EMHD physics has been hypothesized to be applicable to PFD experiments 1 , and future research could compare the instability reported in this paper to experimental results. The main difference between a cylindrical and a planar EMHD magnetic shock is that the planar shock moves at constant speed, while the speed of the cylindrical shock depends on its radial location. In the following sections, this dependence is shown analytically and in numerical simulations, and the implications for possible ion acceleration are discussed. Additionally, we show linear stability calculations and two-dimensional simulation results which demonstrate that electron inertia effects cause the magnetic front to break up into vortices in cylindrical shocks, as was previously shown in planar shocks. More details about these calculations can be found in Ref. 5, where similar calculations were done in Cartesian geometry.In the EMHD model, a fluid approximation is used to a) This work was supported by the Naval Research Laboratory Base Program.describe the electrons while the ions are taken to be fixed.Combining the curl of the electron momentum equation with Maxwell's laws gives a set of dynamical equations for the magnetic field and the vorticity Ω Ω Ω of the canonical electron momentum 1 :where ν is the electron-ion collision frequency. The electron fluid velocity v is related to the magnetic field through v = − c 4π...