Applied gibberellic acid specifically reverses the light inhibition of etiolated stem growth in certain species (4,5). It
ExPERIMENTAL RESULTSTo determine the time-course of growth following a single irradiation, 6-day-old dwarf pea seedlings wvere exposed to re(d ra(liation (2,000 ergs cinv-2-sec-1) for various lengths of time and the height of the plants was measured daily. The results of a typical experiment are illustrated in figure 1. It may be seen that even 10-minutes of irradiation results in a marked inhibition of growth. It is noteworthy that the growth inhibition by light continues for a period of several days. After 4 to 5 days the growth rate of the irradiated plants returns to the dark-grown rate, but the growth rate never exceeds that of the dark-grown plants.