In previous reports one of us (M) and his associates (1, 2) have shown that hexylresorcinol aids in the absorption of insulin from the gastrointestinal tract of dogs. It has since been shown that other derivatives, the octyl and heptyl resorcinols (3) and the pentyl, butyl, and propyl resorcinols likewise are active in this physiologic process; the last two, however, less so than the higher compounds. Ethyl resorcinol proved completely inactive, as have the acyl resorcinols and the butyl ester of f8-resorcinol (4). Reports on the effects of other substances found to retard digestion of insulin will be made in later papers.None of the resorcinols having proved superior to the hexyl compound, it was decided to try this one on a series of diabetic patients.'At the time of the report before the National Academy of Sciences (5) was widely copied in the lay press. The story grew to the point where " Time " reported " a perfected compound of insulin and hexylresorcinol which may be swallowed as a tablet." Not a word was said about tablets either in the paper read before the Academy, the abstract published in Science, or in the statement given to the press along with statements from other speakers.