-Today's educational and teaching activities comprise of the planned learning environments, including the informal learning environments and the field trips planned to be made to these environments (planetarium, museum, zoo, etc.), continuing for the whole life in a manner using all the available resources. In such activities, the teachers play a key role. The objective of the study within this context is to reveal the definitions and knowledge levels of the preservice science teachers (PSTs), including their opinions on planetarium and the contribution to science and astronomy education with preliminary and final tests with regards to the trip made to the planetarium, which is accepted to be as an environment for informal learning environments. The preliminary test of the study, where the phenomenological pattern was used as one of the qualitative research methods was fulfilled with 29 preservice science teachers (24 female, 5 male), while the final test process was fulfilled with 44 preservice science teachers (33 female, 11 male). The Planetarium Trip Survey Form (PTSF), developed by the researchers and comprising of open-ended questions was used as the preliminary-final tests. At the end of the research, positive changes were observed on the concepts of planetarium trip and the astronomy for the preservice science teachers, as well as providing suggestions for the respective research and the researchers, who plan to carry out similar studies.