Abstract:The aim of this research was to know the effect of herbal as immunomodulator on chicken layer vaccinated with avian influenza. A total of 60 chickens were alloted into three treatment groups: control group (KA), group KB and group KC, with 20 chicken each group. All the chickens were vaccinated with Newcastle disease (ND) in the age of one week, and a week later they were vaccinated with avian influenza (AI). The chickens in group KB were drunken with herbal solution containing of 5 g turmeric (Curcuma heyneana Val.) and 25 g phyllanthus (Phyllanthus niruri L.) and group KC were drunken with herbal solution containing of 36 g the herbals formula Viranur and 25 g phyllanthus (Phyllanthus niruri L.), respectively for four weeks. Thirty days after AI vaccinated, all of chicken were weighed and necropsied. Samples from bursa of Fabricius, tymus and spleen were taken for weighing and histopathological examination. The weight indexs of bursa of Fabricius, tymus and spleen were not significantly different between control group and treatment group in the considered statistically significance (P > 0.05), but the treatment groups (KB and KC) had higher weight index. The histopathologically changes of spleen in both control group and treatment groups were not different, although in the group KC, in bursa of Fabricius, there was lymphocyte increase in its lymphoid follicles; and in the group KB and KC, the tymus were more widening in the cortex than medulla. The conclusion of this study showed that the herbals can stimulate lymphocyte activity.