In order to investigate the role of testosterone (TP) on the physiology of the testis of the musk shrew, activities of acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase, and DNA, protein and phospholipid contents ot the testis were compared under high and suppressed testosterone conditions. The result indicates that testosterone propionate administration to intact shrews resulted in a significant increase in the activities of testicular enzymes. Following TP the testis phospholipid: DNA ratio increased, whilst no change was observed in the enzyme activities in response to aminoglutethimide phosphate. The role of testosterone in regulating testis function of this non-scrota1 primitive eutherian mammal is discussed.Zusammenfassung: Um die Rolle von Testosteron in der Physiologie des Hodens der Bisammaus zu untersuchen, wurde die Aktivitat der sauren, der alkalischen Phosphatase und der ATP, sowie von DNA, Protein und Phospholipidbestandteilen des Hodens unter 500 ugTP/100 g KG und unter 4 mg Aminoglutethimid/lOO g KG studiert. Die Behandlung erfolgte uber vier Tage. Es ergab sich, daR TP zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Hodenenzyme fuhrt, das Verhaltnis Hodenphospholipid: DNA stieg signifikant an. andrologia 21, No. 4 (1989)