To evaluate re-osseointegration after electrolytic cleaning and regenerative therapy of dental implants with peri-implantitis in humans.
Material and methods
Four dental implants that developed peri-implantitis underwent electrolytic cleaning followed by regenerative therapy with guided bone regeneration. All four implants developed recurrent peri-implantitis and were therefore explanted 6 to 13 months later. Radiographic bone level, probing depth, and bleeding on probing were determined at the time of surgery, 6 months later, and before implant retrieval. The peri-implant tissues were histologically and histomorphometrically analyzed.
All four implants demonstrated radiographic and histological bone gain, reduced probing depth, and bleeding on probing. Radiographic bone gain was 5.8 mm mesially and 4.8 mm distally for implant #1, 3.3 mm and 2.3 mm for implant #2, 3.1 mm and 0.5 mm for implant #3, and 3.5 mm and 2.8 mm for implant #4. The histometric mean and maximum vertical bone gain for implant #1 to #4 was 1.65 mm and 2.54 mm, 3.04 mm and 3.47 mm, 0.43 mm and 1.27 mm, and 4.16 mm and 5.22 mm, respectively. The percentage of re-osseointegration for implant #1 to #4 was 21.0%, 36.9%, 5.7%, and 39.0%, respectively. In one implant, the newly formed bone was deposited directly onto calculus on the implant surface.
We found that (1) re-osseointegration is possible on a formerly contaminated implant surface and (2) the electrolytic cleaning process seems to be effective enough at sites with calculus residues.
Clinical relevance
Since re-osseointegration can be achieved by electrolytic cleaning, this decontamination technique may be considered as a future treatment concept.