The purpose of this action research were to: 1) describe the learning process of recount text writing through quantum learning model with concept map technique, 2) describe the improvement of recount text writing skills through quantum learning model with concept map technique. This action research implemented three cycles. Data in this research were qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data were obtained from observation sheets, daily observation journals, as well as documentation. Quantitative data were data in the form of numbers from the results of writing tests obtained after the learning process with quantum learning model with concept map technique. While the data sources in this study were eighth graders of SMP Negeri 2 Cinangka academic year 2016-2017. The results showed that 1) the activities of learners in the learning process were increasing, 2) Students' writing recount text skills increased significantly after following the learning by using the quantum learning model with the concept map technique. The average score obtained by learners were 66.93 in cycle I, 76.53 in cycle II, and 84.67 in cycle III.