“…The burial diagenesis and transformation of organic-rich muds to highly heterogeneous organicrich shales form a complex process that is a function of many variables, including original mineralogy, fabric, texture, organic content, fluids, hydrology, and burial rate and depth. Diagenesis may significantly affect shale porosity and permeability (Katsube & Williamson 1994, Kim et al 1999, Ross & Bustin 2009, Yang & Aplin 2010, Schneider et al 2011, Emmanuel & Day-Stirrat 2012, Milliken et al 2012, which can range over more than an order of magnitude (e.g., Mondol et al 2008, Mehmani et al 2011. The pores associated with the mineral matrix include interparticle pores and intramineral pores (Loucks et al 2010(Loucks et al , 2012.…”