Summary:The purposes of this study were to determine whether cortical spreading depression occurs outside of the infarct produced by photothrombotic vascular occlu sion, and also the direction of spreading. Focal cerebral thrombotic infarction was produced by irradiating the ex posed skull of anesthetized rats with green light (560 nm) following systemic injection of rose bengal dye. At prox imal sites (-2 mm anterior to the infarct border), tran sient, severe hyperemic episodes (THEs) lasting 1-2 min were intermittently recorded. THE frequency was great est in the first hour and declined over a 3-h period. THEs were accompanied (and usually preceded) by a precipi tous rise in [K +]0 (from -3 to >40 mM) and were asso ciated with increases in local tissue oxygen tension Previous studies have defined marked differences between the consequences of severe focal and glob al cerebral ischemia. During global ischemia, elec trical, ion transport, and oxidative metabolic activ ities cease; this results in declines of creatine phos phate (PCr) and ATP, suppression of synaptic functioning, loss of transmembrane ion gradients, and accumulation of intracellular calcium ion (re view by Siesjo and Bengtsson, 1989).Following the onset of focal brain ischemia in many animal models, similar deteriorative changes ensue in the ischemic core as in tissue subjected to global ischemia (Hillered et al., 1989;Heiss et al.,