Central glutamate, melanocortin and corticotropin systems have mediatory role on several physiologic functions in the brain, but their interactions on appetite regulation are not fully elicited. So, the aim of the current study was to determine interaction of the glutamate with melanocortin and corticotropin systems on food intake in 3-h food-deprived (FD 3 ) neonatal meat-type chicken. In experiment 1, chicken intracerebroventricular (ICV) injected (A) phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), (B) glutamate (75 nmol), (C) glutamate (150 nmol) and (D) glutamate (300 nmol). In experiment 2, (A) PBS, (B) astressin-B (CRF 1 /CRF 2 receptors antagonist, 30 µg), (C) glutamate (300 nmol) and (D) astressin-B+glutamate were ICV injected. Experiments 3-5 were similar to experiment 2, except birds were injected with astressin2-B (CRF 2 receptor antagonist, 30 µg), SHU9119 (MC 3 /MC 4 receptor antagonist, 0.5 nmol) and MCL0020 (MC 4 receptor antagonist, 0.5 nmol) instead of the astressin-B. In experiment 6, the injections were (A) PBS, (B) MTII (MC 3 /MC 4 receptor agonist, 2.5ng), (C) glutamate (75nmol) and (D) MTII+glutamate. Then, cumulative feed intake was recorded at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after injection. According to the results, dose dependent hypophagia observed by ICV injection of the glutamate (75, 150 and 300nmol) compared to control group in neonatal broiler chicken (p<0.05). Co-injection of the astressin-B+glutamate and astressin2-B+glutamate decreased glutamateinduced hypophagia in neonatal broiler chicken (p<0.05). Coinjection of the glutamate+MC 3 /MC 4 receptors antagonist decreased hypophagic effect of the glutamate (p<0.05). These results suggested hypophagic effect of the glutamate mediates via CRF 1 /CRF 2 and MC 3 / MC 4 receptors in chickens.