The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of a blend of phytogenic additive on nutritional and mineral composition of breast, thigh muscles and liver in fattening turkeys. A total 300 female turkeys were monitored in the trial. 1-day old broadbreasted white turkeys hybrid XL were randomly divided into two groups (150 pcs per each). Turkeys in control group were fed by standard diet for fattening and in experimental group from the 1st to the 12th week by complete feed mixture with supplementation of a blend of essential oils from origanum, anise and citrus fruits as well as a prebiotic rich fructooligosaccharides in dosage 1 kg per 1000 kg of feed mixture. Turkeys were housed in group on deep litter. Experiment lasted 18 weeks. Samples of breast and thigh muscles, and liver for nutritional analysis were collected during turkey's dissection (10 samples per each group). After the determination of nutrients, there were found significant (P ˂ 0.05) differences between control and experimental samples of breast muscles in content of crude protein and fat. Statistically significant (P ˂ 0.05) differences in all analyzed nutrients in thigh muscles were observed. The phytoadditive supplementation markedly (P ˂ 0.05) increased content of crude protein in breast (from 91.13 to 93.7% of DM) and thigh muscles (from 79.78 to 85.73% of DM) and ash in thigh muscle (from 4.25 to 4.61% of DM). Tendency of higher (P ˃ 0.05) content of DM and fat was recorded in liver. After analysis the macro and microelements, significant (P ˂ 0.05) differences in all minerals except potassium and manganese were found. Compare to the control group, in the experimental group were detected significantly (P ˂ 0.05) higher amounts of zinc in breast, magnesium and copper in thigh muscle samples. In the 1664 case of liver, there was found higher (P ˃ 0.05) concentrate only in content of manganese in experimental group. Occurrence of manganese was not observed in both muscles.
25Journal of Central European Agriculture, 2016, 17(1), p.25-39 DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/17.1.Keywords: minerals, muscle, nutrients, phytogenic additive, turkeys Abstrakt Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovanie vplyvu zmesi fytogenného aditíva na živinové a minerálne zloženie v prsnom svale, stehennom svale a pečeni výkrmových moriek. V pokuse bolo monitorovaných celkovo 300 jedincov samíc moriek. Morky plemena mäsový medzilíniový úžitkový kríženec morka širokoprsá biela, hybrid XL, vo veku 1 deň boli rozdelené do dvoch skupín (150 kusov v každej skupine). Morkám v kontrolnej skupine bola skrmovaná štandardná kompletná kŕmna zmes pre výkrm a v experimentálnej skupine od 1. do 12. týždňa bola skrmovaná kompletná krmná zmes s prídavkom zmesi esenciálnych olejov z oregana, anízu, citrusových plodov a prebioticky obohatená o fruktooligosacharidy v dávke 1 kg na 1000 kg kŕmnej zmesi. Morky boli ustajnené skupinovo na hlbokej podstielke. Pokus trval 18 týždňov. Vzorky prsného svalu, stehenného svalu a pečene, určené na analýzu živín, boli odobrané počas jatočnej rozrábky (10 vzoriek ...