In the western part of Japan, two wheat cultivars, Nishinokaori and Minaminokaori, are currently cultivated for breadmaking. Breadmaking wheat requires a higher protein content compared to the Japanese noodle wheat (the major type of wheat in Japan). This high protein level in the grain is obtained by top-dressing with nitrogen (N) near anthesis. Because such N applications may increase levels of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and consequent mycotoxin [deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV)] accumulation in the grain, the effect of N application (0, 4, and 8 g/m 2 ) at anthesis on FHB and mycotoxin accumulation in Nishinokaori and Minaminokaori was tested in the greenhouse in 2004 and 2005 and in two fields in 2006. In the greenhouse, plants were spray inoculated at 3, 10, and 20 days after N treatment. In field experiments, colonized maize kernels, which generate ascospores during the testing season, served as inoculum. In all experiments for both cultivars, N application at anthesis significantly increased grain protein as expected, but had no significant effect on FHB and DON and NIV levels in grain. These results suggest that, at least in these cultivars, N can be applied close to anthesis without increasing the risk of FHB and mycotoxin (DON and NIV) accumulation.