Evidence is presented for the existence of a prostaglandin-F, receptor in ovine corpora lutea. Prostaglandin F,, was specifically bound to a particulate fraction of this tissue with a dissociation constant of 0.1 pM. Prostaglandins F1,, E, and E, had considerably less affinity for the receptor whereas prostaglandins A, and B, had little or no affinity. From a comparison of the binding constants of various prostaglandins and related compounds it could be concluded that the carboxyl group, the three hydroxyl groups and the 5,6-cis double bond (but not the 13,14-trans double bond) of prostaglandin F,, were all important for binding to the receptor.The uterus is required for normal cyclic regression of corpora lutea in a number of mammalian species [l, 21. Pharriss and Wyngarden first postulated that prostaglandin F, was responsible for this phenomenon [3] and subsequent experiments have shown that this prostaglandin is luteolytic in several animals [2]. Conclusive evidence was recently presented that prostaglandin F,, is a luteolytic hormone in the sheep [4]; it was released in relatively high concentrations from the uterus a t the time of luteal regression and was transferred from the utero-ovarian vein to the ovarian artery by a counter-current mechanism [4].The mechanism of the luteolytic effect of prostaglandin F,, is unknown. It has been proposed that prostaglandin F,, acts luteolytically by restricting the blood flow through the ovary[3], but subsequent experiments [5,6] have not substantiated this hypothesis. Prostaglandin F,, has been found to depress cholesterol ester synthetase activity in rat ovaries and it was suggested [7] that this might be the mechanism for the reduction in progesterone synthesis caused by prostaglandin F, in vivo [Z-41. I n bovine corpora latea slices prostaglandins E,, E,, F,, and A, (decreasing order of effectiveness) stimulated rather than inhibited Abbreviation. Me,Si, trimethylsilyl. Trivial Names. Prostaglandin F,,, 9a,llor,l5(S)-trihydroxyprost-l3-trans-enoic acid; prostaglandin FZa, 9a,l la, 15(S)-trihydroxyprosta-5-cis,13-truns-dienoic acid; prostaglandin F,b, 9~,11~-15(5)-trihydroxyprosta-5-cis,l3-trun~-dienoic acid ; prostaglandin El, 11 a, 15-(S)-dihydroxy-9-ketoprost-13-trans-enoic acid; prostaglandin E,, lla,15(S)-dihydroxy-9-ketoprosta-5-cis,13-truns-dienoic acid; prostaglandin A,, 15(S)-hydroxy-9-ketoprosta-10,13-trans-dienoic acid; prostaglandin A,, 15(S)-hydroxy-9-ketoprosta-5-cis,-10,13-trans-trienoio acid; prostaglandin B,, 15(S)-hydroxy-9-ketoprosta-5-cis,S( 12),13-trans-trienoic acid.