A generalized
size-dependent thermodynamic model was derived to describe the electrochemical
properties of nanoparticles, which takes into account the effects
of size-dependent stress distributions in the surface shell and core
of nanoparticles, based on the thermodynamic equilibrium theory. This
model can be used to simultaneously analyze the nanoparticle size,
stresses, electrochemical properties, and their coupling behaviors
in thermodynamic equilibrium nanoparticles. Combined with the molecular
dynamics simulations, the spherical nanoparticles of pure metals (Au,
Pt, Ni, Cu, and Fe) were modeled as a core–shell structure.
The thermodynamic analysis showed that the anodic current density
decreased with decreasing nanoparticle radius, implying that the stability
of nanoparticles was enhanced, which is qualitatively consistent with
some experimental observations.