My sincerely gratitude goes to my committee for their guidance. Dr. Joyce Fine, you not only served as my major professor but most importantly, my mentor. You encouraged and guided my research from the inception. I am most grateful for all the doors you have opened for me. You encouraged me to present at conferences and teach as an adjunct professor. When there was a glimpse of fear, your sweet yet prevailing voice put me at ease and catapulted me forward. Many obstacles brought upon many dark days, weeks, and even months, yet my weakest moments were your strongest. Thank you for guiding me towards this next stage in my academic and professional career. Dr. Chang, thank you for your guidance with my research analyses. I appreciate your patience and positivity towards my questions and concerns. Because of your courses, I am able to conduct these analyses with more ease. Dr. Cramer, thank you for your commitment towards my research. I appreciate your time and feedback. I look forward to continue working with you. Dr. O'Brien, I cannot express enough how eternally grateful I am for you to not only agreeing to join the committee but staying with me an extra semester. Your feedback had positive effects on my research. vi