The NgoPI Community is a forum for discussing faith issues in District Jati Agung. Having various backgrounds from large organizations, the community only forces some members to accept the socio-religious knowledge provided; they can obtain religious expertise from outside the community. The purpose of this manuscript is to describe a socio-religious activity in shaping the nature of moderation in the neighborhood of District Jati Agung, South Lampung Regency. The method used in this paper is a descriptive qualitative method because it will describe a situation naturally when obtaining the data. The data in this manuscript were obtained through in-depth interviews. The results of this manuscript show that the NgoPI community has four moderate traits. Including being open to input or thoughts from various members who have large organizations, and these thoughts will be well-received and balanced, which means walking in the middle could be better. Highlight one of the prominent organizations, Muhammadiyah, Nadhatul Ulama, etc. The NgoPI Community has ideas that do not impose their opinions but listen and consider ideas outside of the NgoPI Community, which means that they are fair with the aim of being able to benefit the community. In terms of problems, the NgoPI Community is very good at maintaining the religion of Islam following the Qur’an and Hadith, ways to preserve the nature of the issues by building the spiritual spirit of each member.
Keywords: The NgoPI Community, nature of moderation, community influence