A comprehensive experimental methodology has been developed to measure the in situ cure residual strain (CRS) generation in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminates using embedded fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. In order to delineate the effect of anisotropy, heterogeneity, laminate thickness and geometry, in situ CRS is measured in pristine epoxy, uni-directional (UD)-CFRPs, multi-directional (MD)-CFRPs and L-shaped MD-CFRP laminates. In this study, emphasis is laid on quantifying the variation in CRS magnitudes as a function of laminates lay-up sequence and thickness. Calibration of FBG sensors are carried out by following well established procedures. Structural distortion due to CRS is correlated using embedded FBG sensor and measured using the coordinate measurement machine (CMM). The presented results show a uniform CRS development across the thickness in MD-CFRP laminates as compared to L-shaped MD-CFRP laminates.