No correlation was found between cytokinin fluxes and nodule dry weight or specific nodule activity (acetylene reduction).The timing of distinct peaks in zeatin riboside and dihydrozeatin riboside fluxes during flowering or pod formation suggests that cytokinins exported from the root may function in the regulation of reproductive growth in soybean.The roles of cytokinins in plant growth and development are not fully understood, but evidence supports the hypothesis that cytokinins are produced by the root system and transported to the shoot, where they are involved in the regulation of shoot processes (3,22,27). Transport in the xylem sap of materials with cytokininlike activity (determined by bioassay) has been demonstrated in numerous species including sunflower (22), tomato (7), and lupin (8, 9). Cytokinin-like materials have also been reported in the root nodules of Viciafaba (13) nodules, they detected Z2 and a number ofits metabolites throughout the plant.If cytokinins from the root system are involved in regulating shoot growth and function, then their supply to the shoot should fluctuate over the course of development. Seasonal variations of cytokinin-like activity in root pressure exudate have been reported in a number of genera (2, 3, 7-9, 22, 24). In Perilla, there was a 5-fold increase in cytokinin-like activity in root pressure exudate after floral induction (2, 3). Conversely, the root sap of Xanthium plants which had been induced to flower contained less than onethird as much cytokinin-like activity as did the sap of vegetative plants (24).Although cytokinins were not specifically identified as the active regulating component, several studies have shown that roots or factors from the roots are required for maintaining leaf Chl content (18) and photosynthesis (4,5,18,27). In Phaseolus, foliar applications of BA delayed Chl loss and photosynthetic decline associated with senescence (1).In A. glutinosa, cytokinin-like activity in the root nodules increased prior to the onset of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) and declined by the time N2-fixing capacity had been fully established (14). Likewise, Newcomb et al. demonstrated that cytokinin-like activity in pea nodules was greatest early in nodule development and decreased thereafter (20). Henson and Wheeler hypothesized that cytokinins exported from nodules affected N2-fixation through either local action in the nodule or by a remote effect on the shoot (14).Presence of cytokinins in soybean root pressure exudate has not been demonstrated. Therefore, it was not known whether or not these hormones could be involved in the regulation of soybean development. Hence, the objectives of our research were to (a) establish the presence of cytokinins and (b) describe profiles of cytokinin flux in root pressure exudate in relation to the ontogeny of soybean plants grown in the field and in growth chambers. Root pressure exudate was collected and acetylene reduction activity was measured from late in vegetative growth through maturity. Four cytokinin...