Since its inception as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in the 1980s, the landscape of medical treatment has been revolutionized by the evolution of shock wave therapy. Over four decades, this therapy, now known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), has emerged as a cornerstone in modern medicine, redefining treatment paradigms across various medical disciplines. Certainly, despite the promising outcomes witnessed in various medical conditions such as musculoskeletal disorders, wound healing, urinary calculi, and erectile dysfunction, it is crucial to acknowledge that shock wave therapy’s relatively short clinical tenure necessitates a cautious approach. While its effectiveness has been repeatedly demonstrated, establishing industry-standard protocols through large-scale, prospective randomized controlled trials remains imperative to solidify its standing in medical practice. The integration of Artificial Intelligence technology holds significant promise for the future of shockwave medicine, enabling personalized treatment plans, real-time feedback, and improved cost-effectiveness. Keywords: Shock waves, ESWT, Shockwave