“…With few exceptions (e.g., (Dadi et al, 2004;Abdulai and Huffman, 2005;Matuschke and Qaim, 2008)), previous adoption studies (e.g., (Munasib and Jordan, 2011;Dimara and Skuras, 2003;Isham, 2002;Teklewold et al, 2013;Marenya and Barrett, 2007;Langyintuo and Mekuria, 2008;Bandiera and Rasul, 2006;Kaliba et al, 2000)) in developing countries fail to consider the timing of the adoption event and do not explicitly address the effect of explanatory variables on the time-path of adoption. Including the timing of an adoption can provide important information, particularly if adoption is related to specific events that occurred in the past or if time is considered to be linked to phenomenon-like learning by doing and learning from others (Matuschke, 2007).…”