Digital education has been growing worldwide in recent years. However, derived from the intensive use of hybrid and distance modalities during the pandemic and to capitalize on what has been learned, several questions arose: What should the digital education strategy in higher education institutions be? How can digital education enrich the teaching-learning process throughout the student’s journey? Derived from these questions, the need arises to understand the attributes of the hybrid and distance modalities that are more important for the students attending to two main differentiators: career or School and employment status. A survey instrument was adapted and applied to students from 26 Campuses of a Higher Education Institution, Tecnologico de Monterrey. Students were asked about their perception of 24 aspects of digital learning. In addition, they were asked to select which ones they considered most important and which ones they considered less important. A total of 2933 surveys were collected in 3 weeks. Analyses of correlation and descriptive statistics were applied to the learners’ tendencies. The results show that personalized learning is one of the most critical dimensions for students of the new generations.