Taxes are one of the supports for in infrastructure development. The existence of taxpayer religiosity, tax amnesty, and ta sanction is also a consideration for taxpayer compliance. infrastructure development comes from Tax Indonesian Budget funds, 70% of which comes from taxes. this study aims to prove the effect of taxpayer religiosity, ta amnesty, and ta sanction on tax compliance of MSME business actors. the type of research used is quantitative. by using multiple linear regression analysis method with three independent variables, namely taxpayer religiosity (x1), tax amnesty (x2), and tax sanctions (x3) with the dependent variable taxpayer compliance on tax MSMEs (Y). the population in this study were micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and the sample technique used was random samling. the primary data soources used were questionnaires and secondary data sources were data froom journals, books, and the internet related to these issues. the data collection tecnique is done by using a uestionnaire, interview, and documentation. data analysis used validity and reliability tests and hypothesis testing. data analyysis used the structural equation modeling method with the help of SmartPLS softare. based on the research results it can be conclued that 1) there is a significant influence of taxpayer religiosity on taxpayer comliance of Medium Small MIcro Business Taes (MSMEs) in indonesia. 2) there is a significant influence of tax amnesty on taxpayer comliance of medium small micro business taxes (MSMEs) in Indonesia. 3) there is a significant inluence of tax sanction on taxpayer comliance of Medium Small Micro Business Taxes (MSMEs) in Indonesia