Understanding protein dynamics requires a comprehensive knowledge of the underlying potential energy surface that governs the motion of each individual protein molecule. Single molecule mechanical studies have provided the unprecedented opportunity to study the individual unfolding pathways along a well defined coordinate, the end-to-end length of the protein. In these experiments, unfolding requires surmounting an energy barrier that separates the native from the extended state. A deep understanding of protein dynamics relies on the accurate determination of the free energy surface that governs the (un)folding reaction. In the case of small proteins, the (un)folding process is generally described by a two-state scenario, whereby the native and unfolded states are separated by a prominent energy barrier (1). The conversion between these two states has been traditionally given the treatment of a firstorder chemical reaction, where the concentration of the reactant species, the native state of the protein, decreases exponentially with time (2). Such a simplified kinetic analysis provides the framework to study the (un)folding reaction in terms of the Eyring transition state theory (TST), 3 which allows quantification of the rate constant for a given chemical reaction as a function of temperature (3, 4)where ‡ is the prefactor, k B is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, and ⌬G ‡ is the activation energy. In this simplified equation,where C°is the standard state concentration, h is the Planck's constant, and n is the order of the reaction. The factor (k B T/h) is a frequency factor, equal to 6 ps Ϫ1 at 300 K, for the crossing of the transition state. The generalized transmission coefficient, ␥(T), relates the actual rate of the reaction to that obtained from the simple transition state theory, in which ␥(T) ϭ 1. Over the last two decades, a great number of studies have reported the effect of temperature on the (un)folding kinetics of a plethora of distinct proteins using different biochemistry bulk techniques. With a few exceptions (5), the apparent consensus (6) is that although protein unfolding usually follows simple Arrhenius kinetics, the folding kinetics exhibit more complex dependences with temperature, resulting in curvature in the ln k f versus 1/T plots (7-12). The origin of such non-Arrhenius behavior during the folding reaction can be generically explained either in terms of the rate of escape from different minima along a rough energy landscape, thus yielding super-Arrhenius kinetics, or most likely, based on the hydrophobic effect, involving a large change in heat capacity during the folding process (13-15), with the heat capacity of the transition state placed somewhere in between the folded and unfolded states (16).Single molecule force spectroscopy has provided a new vista on the molecular mechanisms underlying protein (un)folding at the subnanometer scale (17). In stark contrast with protein unfolding experiments conducted using traditional bulk experiments, where the radius of g...