T . SUZURI L)epnrt.//zent of Zoology, U7ziversity of Uritisl~ Cohl71zbin, V~~Z C O~L Z~T , B.C.Crossing ovcr was studicd in Drosopbiln 711clnnognster fenlales bet\vcen f -cnr -170' -Dp(y+) on the X chromosome. hlitomycin C and y-rays incrcar.ed crossing over in all ~h r c c regions, increased nondisjunction and affected meiotic as well as gonial cells. Temperature was recombinagcnic only in thc cnr -00' regions and the autosomal inversions (331 and Ubr':' increased crossing over in both regions containing euchromatin (f -cnr and cm--00') . Actinon~ycin D-treatment rcsulted in a slight decrease in crossing orcr. T h e data indicate that there may be two gcncral classes of rccombinagcns, those that affect crossing ovcr in prosimal euchromatin and thosc \\~hich in addition, induce brcalcs in hcterocliromatin.
I~ltrocluctionIncreases in crossing over induced in D~osophila 77zela7zogaste~ by recombinagenic agents are invariably most striking in the proximal regions of thc major cl~romosomes. O n the-basis of a similarity in the patterns of increases induced by diverse agents (actinomvcin D, radiafion, chromoson~e aberration) around the centromcre of c h r o m o s o~e 3, it has been suggested that these aoents ? increase crossing over in that region through the same mechnnism (Suzulu and Parry, 1961). T h c common basis of induced proximal increases has been post;latcd to result from an interference with genetic activity of prosimal loci which normally fuilctioll at the time of crossing over (Suzulti, 1963; l965a, c ) . It xvas suggested that consequent structural challges analogous to lateral loop collapse after actinomycin D trcatmcnt or X-irradiation (Izawa, Allfrej? and ALirslty, 1963; fileyer and Hess, 196.5; Hess, 1965) now permit the intimaic synapsis ileccssary fop crossing over to occur.T h e esperiments reportcd here xvcre dcsigncd to determine whether a number of different rccombinagcnic factors do indeed act on all proximal regions in a qualitatively silnilar manner. Since proximal increases induced in thc S cl~rornosome by the prcsencc of autosomal inversions appear to be collfillcd to cuchromatic rcoions adjaccnt to heterochromatin (Roberts, 1965), s recombination was determined in both cucl~ron~atic and heterochromntic segments.
Methods a i d MaterialsCrossing over was mensurcd in the X cl~romosome using the followillg inar1;crs (Bridgcs and Urchme, 1944) : y -yclloxv 0.0, f -forlted 56.7, carcaranation 62. j, hb' -bobbcd-lethal 66.0, f i p (l;l)scH, y' -a duplication of 91' to the right of thc ccntromcrc. T h e f-car region was designated as 1, thc car-bb' region as 2 and bb' -y-as 3. Region 1 is completely euchron~atic, rcgion 2 a composite of euchrornatin and l~etcrochron~atin and region 3 is con~plctelv hetcrochron~atic. All fcmalcs tested had an X-cl~ron~osome gcnotx pe of y-+ car + .y+/y f + bb', and werc crosscd to 117 ( I ) p~~1 ' 2 ' , 1~~""/ybb' rnalcs. Only ~nale progeny were scored and it was found that no males carrying 611' on both the S and Y dl~romosomes survived.