The dynamics and decoherence of excitonic polaron in a two-dimensional monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) in quantum dot have been investigated using a variational method. We focused on confinement and temperature effects on dynamics properties and decoherence of exciton polaron, and found that the entropy increases with increasing temperature and dot radius. We observed that due to temperature the lifetime decreases and exciton or polaron can exits independently in the system. The high mobility of exciton-polaron decreases when enhancing the temperature and dot radius. We show that the optical absorption of photon starts when the photon energy is twice the phonon energy. Among the TMDCs studied, we observed the lowest entropy for WS 2 , the longest lifetime for MoSe 2 , the highest mobility for MoS 2 and the greatest absorption for MoS 2 . We have also determined the ranges of decoherence for each property, and it appears that the increase in temperature, dot radius and photon energy does not favor decoherence. It is seen that, in the decoherence phase, the system has lower disorder, higher amplitude of lifetime, mobility and absorption.