Four phages of A. mdiobacter, isolated from sewage and soil, r e q~~i r e d divalent ions for m~~ltiplication. Chelating agents inactivated free phage irreversibly. With citrate and phosphate the order of decreasing sensitivity of the phages was PR-590a > PS-192 > PsR-1012 > PR-1001. E D T i l was the most inhibitory. Phage growth was promoted by the adclition of 116of Caf+ or .\iIgFi in a divalent ion-free m e d i~~m . These ions were r e q~~i r c d for the adsorption step in the gro\\.th cycle of phage PI<-1001. Latent periocls of the four phages in nutrient broth ranged from 35 to 37 minutes for PsR-1012 and 42 to 45 minutes for Pit-590a. Burst sizes \\.ere 65, 27, 56, and 69, and percentage adsorptions after 5 ~n i n~l t c s were 35, 12, 36, and 43 for PR-1001, 1's-192, PIZ-590a, arid Psi<-1012, respectively. The optimum temperature for adsorption and yield of phage PS-192 was 25 OC while the shortest latent period o c c~~r r e d a t 30-32 'C. =It 35 OC this phage failed to m~~l t i p l y .'Published with the approval of the Director of the \Visconsin Agric~llt~~ral Experiment Station, AIadison. I'art of this work was carried out a t