We report infrared absorption studies of oxygen-related defects in electron-irradiated Ge-doped Czochralski-Si. Our investigation was mainly focused on the reaction channel leading to the formation of VO n ͑1 Յ n Յ 6͒ defects. The VO n defects form mainly upon annealing, as a result of the successive aggregation of oxygen atoms in the initial VO defect produced by the irradiation: ͑VO+ O i → VO 2 +O i → VO 3 +O i → VO 4 ,...͒. It was found that the ratio of the conversion of VO n to VO n+1 defects is sensitive to the Ge content of the material. In particular, the ratio of the conversion of the VO to the VO 2 defects was found to decrease with the increase in Ge concentration of the samples, although the opposite trend was observed for the VO 3 to VO 4 conversion. However, the VO 2 to VO 3 conversion changes only slightly with Ge content, being practically unaffected for Ge concentrations up to 2 ϫ 10 20 cm −3. In the case of VO 2 formation, the phenomenon was attributed to the elastic strains induced in the lattice due to the Ge presence which affects the balance between the reactions VO+ O i → VO 2 , VO+Si I → O i , mainly involved in the decay of the VO and the growth of the VO 2 defects. In the case of VO 4 formation, the phenomenon was discussed by taking into account the enhancement of the diffusivity of the O i atoms in the Ge-doped Si, which could lead to an enhancement of the rate of the reaction VO 3 +O i → VO 4. For the VO 3 formation this effect is practically negligible due to the fact that at the temperatures of VO 2 to VO 3 conversion oxygen diffusivity is quite small. The exhibited behavior in the conversion of the VO n to VO n+1 defects ͑n=1,2,3͒ was similar in Ge-doped samples with low carbon content ͓͑C s ͔ Ͻ 2 ϫ 10 16 cm −3 ͒ and in Ge-doped samples with high carbon content ͓͑C s ͔ Ն 1 ϫ 10 17 cm −3 ͒. The impact of C as well as its role in the conversion efficiency of VO to VO 2 was studied by comparing the spectra in low carbon and high carbon Ge free Si material. Furthermore, a pair of bands at ͑1037, 1051 cm −1 ͒ was attributed to the VO 5 defect. The origin of another pair of bands ͑967, 1005 cm −1 ͒ was discussed and tentatively correlated with a VO n C s structure. The role of Ge and C in the formation of the latter two pairs of bands was discussed.