In this study, a size-effect estimation was carried out to determine the relevance among organizational commitment, workload, motivation, and success in school performance. A meta-analysis method, a quantitative and formal research method that aims at systematic evaluation of previous studies for the outcome, was conducted in this research. To achieve the aim, referred journals such as Web of Science, SCOPUS, Yüksek Öğrenim Kurulu (YÖK), and National and International, published between 2010-2020, as well as the quantitative studies, were done in school performance, were scanned and findings were included in this study. The keywords in this study were, "performance, performance evaluation, performance assessment in schools, performans, performans değerlendirmesi and okullarda performans değerlendirmesi." While scanning the publications, WOS and SCOPUS-based, referred journals, for National dissertations YÖK databases were used. 353 types of research were reached in the Literature review, 239 of which were exempted because they were not relevant to the study. 114 types of research were dealt with during the Meta-analysis process. The Q and I² statistics were referred to determine the effect-size estimation process. The distribution of the findings was found to be heterogeneous. A strong and positive dimension (Zr=0.581) effect size was calculated between performance evaluation in schools and organizational commitment. The effect size calculated on the basis of the relationship between performance evaluation in schools and workload is also strong and positive (Zr=0.566). The effect of medium level and positive direction (Zr=0.405) between performance evaluation in schools and motivation was calculated. Moderate and positive (Zr =0.424) effect size was found between performance evaluation and academic success in schools. To conclude, it could be said that the reason why not too much research has been done in this field in both Turkey and TRNC is due to the transition to the performance evaluation system in 2015-2016.