We construct N = 1 supersymmetric fractional branes on the Z ′ 6 orientifold. Intersecting stacks of such branes are needed to build a supersymmetric standard model. If a, b are the stacks that generate the SU (3) c and SU (2) L gauge particles, then, in order to obtain just the chiral spectrum of the (supersymmetric) standard model (with non-zero Yukawa couplings to the Higgs mutiplets), it is necessary that the number of intersections a • b of the stacks a and b, and the number of intersections a • b ′ of a with the orientifold image b ′ of b satisfy (a • b, a • b ′ ) = ±(2, 1) or ±(1, 2). It is also necessary that there is no matter in symmetric representations of the gauge group, and not too much matter in antisymmetric representations, on either stack. We provide a number of examples having these properties. Different lattices give different solutions and different physics.