We consider the phase transition in the dual YangÄMills theory atˇnite temperature T . The phase transition is associated with a change (breaking) of symmetry. The effective mass of the dual gaugě eld is derived as a function of T -dependent gauge coupling constant. We investigate the analytical criterion constraining the existence of a quarkÄantiquark bound state at temperatures higher than the temperature of deconˇnement.¸¸³ É·¨¢ ¥É¸Ö ¶·μ¡²¥³ Ë §μ¢ÒÌ ¶¥·¥Ìμ¤μ¢ ¢ ¤Ê ²Ó´μ°É¥μ·¨¨Ÿ´£ ÄOE¨²²¸ ¶·¨±μ´¥Î´μ°É ¥³ ¶¥· ÉÊ·¥. " §μ¢Ò° ¶¥·¥Ìμ¤ ¸¸μͨ¨·Ê¥É¸Ö¸´ ·ÊÏ¥´¨¥³¸¨³³¥É·¨¨. ËË¥±É¨¢´ Ö ³ ¸¸ ¤Ê-²Ó´μ£μ ± ²¨¡·μ¢μδμ£μ ¶μ²Ö μ ¶·¥¤¥²¥´ ± ± ËÊ´±Í¨Ö μÉ É¥³ ¶¥· ÉÊ·´μ- § ¢¨¸¨³μ°± ²¨¡·μ¢μÎ´μ°± μ´¸É ´ÉÒ ¢ § ¨³μ¤¥°¸É¢¨Ö. μ²ÊÎ¥´¢ ´ ²¨É¨Î¥¸±μ³ ¢¨¤¥ ±·¨É¥·¨°´ ¢μ §³μ¦´μ¸ÉÓ¸ÊÐ¥¸É¢μ-¢ ´¨Ö ±¢ ·±-´É¨±¢ ·±μ¢μ£μ¸¢Ö § ´´μ£μ¸μ¸ÉμÖ´¨Ö ¶·¨É¥³ ¶¥· ÉÊ· Ì, ¶·¥¢ÒÏ ÕÐ¨Ì É¥³ ¶¥· ÉÊ·Ê ¤¥±μ´Ë °´³¥´É .