This study explores the motivation of learning English among students in selected Tahfiz government and state schools in Malaysia. Questionnaires adapted from Dornyei (2004), with an additional construct, were administered to 1,017 students aged 13 to 17. Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Robust Maximum Likelihood estimation technique (MLR) were used. From the SEM analysis, a new model of motivation in learning English among Tahfiz students is proposed. The study discovered that attitudes towards community, promotion, prevention, parental encouragement, interest, Islamic values, ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and attitudes towards learning English all play central roles in the proposed model. A comparison motivation model between the Tahfiz government and state schools was also provided. The results suggest that Tahfiz English language teachers and other relevant parties should be aware of their students’ motivation in learning English, and try to create a more conducive learning environment in the classroom. This can equip the students with sufficient language skills to be well-rounded Islamic preachers.