Abstract-In 2017, I set out to trial a new approach to teaching writing and speaking to a distance student learning online. This presentation will outline the development of a teaching plan which exploited the relatively new affordances that online tools such as Google docs ™ and Microsoft Skydrive ™ provide to teachers and students. I will begin by looking at the relative merits of synchronous (SCF) as opposed to asynchronous feedback (ACF) within the framework of a collaborative learning experience as key affordances offered by Google Docs ™, how effective this approach has proven to be, and how students report on their experiences of getting SCF during writing classes. More specifically, I will look at the merits of using Google Docs in collaborative dialogue building in an online distance one to one class. I'll look at how using this software allowed me to harness the benefits of collaborative writing and synchronous feedback to help a student improve language accuracy and awareness in small talk conversation through collaborative dialogue building tasks.