SEMB, L. S . The effect of gastric juice extracts on histamine as a gastric secretorystimulant. Acta physiol. scand. 1969. 77. 365-371. Extracts from the isolated, vagally denervated gastric antral and fundic pouches (Heidenhain) of dogs were prepared by dialyzing against water and lyophilization. The extracts were incubated with histamine for 1/2 hr and then injected s .~. into dogs with Heidenhain pouches. The gastric secretory responses of the pouches were studied by tandem injections of histamine (31 expts., 5 dogs), histamine and histamine incubated with antral juice extracts (36 expts. 5 dogs) and histamine and histamine incubated with fundic juice extracts (15 expts., 3 dogs). There was no statistically significant difference between the secretory response to the second injection as compared to the first in all experiments where both injections were histamine, in four of the dogs where the second injection was histamine incubated with antral juice extracts, and in two of the dogs where the second dose of histamine had been incubated with fundic juice. In one dog receiving antral extract there was a decreased response of 27 % (P