Wavelength‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (WD‐XRF) is a recently well‐grounded technique, with unbeaten application in some significant fields: metallurgy, geological analysis, and forensic science. Up to now, the method was rather conservative in construction systems and rate of the progress. Wavelength‐dispersive X‐ray spectrometry is characterized by very good spectral resolution for photon energies below 5 keV; total stability of devices in operations, both repeatable and long‐lasting; excellent quantitation; and clear peak shapes enabling chemical speciation. WD‐XRF systems operate by sequential elemental analysis. The classical version of method is suffering from very low rate of transforming of supplied energy in the final photons, what has effect on the significant cost of device and operation. Now, the progress is going. New multilayer interference mirrors (MIM) are replacing older multilayers, improving the spectral resolution of the structures mentioned and they are applied for analysis of very light elements. Also recently, the combinations of polycapillary half‐lenses, full lenses, or doubly curved crystals (DCCs) enable to overcome the essential drawback of old versions: some new devices became lightweight, with small consumption of energy, with the ability of focusing the exciting beam. All the progress widens the possibility of speciation analyses. New unexpected fields grew, e.g. the trials of quantitative differentiation of species in biology, by the use of multielemental analyses what should complement traditional Linnaean systematics.