Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to transform its shape, adapt, and develop a new neuronal connection provided with a new stimulus. The stronger the electrical stimulation, the robust is the transformation. Neurogenesis is a complex process when the new neuronal blast cells present in the dentate gyrus divide in the hippocampus. We collected articles from the past 11 years for review, using the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) strategy from PubMed. Quality appraisal was done for each research article using various assessment tools. A total of 24 articles were chosen, applying all the mentioned inclusion and exclusion criteria and reviewed. The reviewed studies emphasized that modifiable lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise should be implemented as an intervention in the elderly for healthy aging of the brain, as the world's aging population is going to be increased, leading to the expansion of health care and cost. Multiple studies have publicized the relation of diet and exercise with cognition function in aging people. A diet consisting of curcumin in its food has its anti-oxidative property, which prevents rapid aging of the brain, other diet patterns such as a caloric restriction diet can influence brain plasticity and preclude the decline of memory. Exercise can increase brain-derived growth factor (BDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), synapsin one, and tyrosine kinase activity that can expand the size of the brain, enhance the plasticity and neurogenesis. This review aimed at exploring lifestyle factors that contribute to neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. Thus, providing a new path for clinicians and researchers to map out the future possible significant benefits for optimal brain aging in a healthy fashion.