“…The residual tone is calculated from a cross-sectional regression of tone on firms' current year performance and fundamentals. Following previous research (Borochin et al 2018;Huang et al 2014), our residual tone measurement (RE_TONE_C) is calculated as the residual term ( ) of the following regression: 11 11 In order to obtain the residual tone measure, we regress conference call tone (TONE) on the ratio of EBIT to beginning total assets (EARN), contemporaneous annual stock returns (RET), the natural logarithm of the market capitalization at the end of one fiscal year (SIZE), book-to-market ratio at the end of one fiscal year (BTM), the standard deviation of monthly stock return over one fiscal year (STD_RET), the standard deviation of EARN over the previous five years (STD_EARN), the natural logarithm of one plus age from the first year the firm entered the CRSP dataset (AGE), the natural logarithm of one plus the number of business segments (BUSSEG), the natural logarithm of one plus the number of geographic segments (GEOSEG), a dummy variable which equals 1 when EARN is negative (LOSS), the first difference of EARN (∆EARN), analyst forecast error (AFE), and analyst consensus forecast for one-year-ahead earnings per share divided by stock price per share at the end of the fiscal year (AF).…”