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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY)2. REPORT TYPE A computational study was conducted to identify fundamental physical processes governing the cessation or shutdown of the afterburning of fuel rich rocket exhaust with the atmosphere. Several mechanisms that have been proposed were examined which are: 1) a relaminarization phenomenon, 2) a Damköhler number effect and 3) a classical flame extinction mechanism. Analysis of the simulation results revealed the relammanzation mechanism to be implausible while the Damköhler number effect and the flame extinction mechanisms were found to be valid. The extinction mechanism was also found to dramatically alter the emissions characteristics • and enhance the shutdown behavior which has important implications with respect to radiative heat transfer to the body and missile intercept systems. This is a significant finding because strain rate induced extinction is a previously unrecognized phenomena occurring in rocket exhaust plumes during afterburning cessation.
Technical Papers