A spectroscopic study of the optical nonlinearity of PbSe colloidal solutions was performed with the Z-scan technique at wavelength intervals of 1200-1350 and 1540-1750 nm. While nonlinear absorption remains below the detection threshold, the third order nonlinear refractive index n 2 shows clear resonances, somewhat blueshifted relative to the exciton transitions in the absorbance spectrum. The occurrence of thermal effects is ruled out by time-resolved measurements. At 1.55 m, measured ͑resonant͒ n 2 values exceed typical bulk semiconductor values by two orders of magnitude. At high optical intensity, the refractive index change saturates, indicating that statefilling lies at the origin of the observed effect. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2385658͔Inorganic nanocrystals make up a new class of materials since, unlike bulk materials, their optical and electronic properties can be effectively engineered by choosing the appropriate material and size of the particles. Over the last 15 years, colloid chemistry techniques have been developed that enable the synthesis of inorganic nanocrystals as highly monodisperse colloidal dispersions, offering great flexibility and easy processing. Applications of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals ͑or quantum dots͒ have already been explored in optoelectronic or photovoltaic devices ͑photodetectors, 1 light emitting diodes, 2 and lasers 3 ͒. An additional field of applications may follow from recent studies indicating that quantum dots show strongly enhanced nonlinear optical properties, 4 and behave as saturable absorbers. 5,6 Materials with a large and fast nonlinear refractive index can be used in devices such as Mach-Zehnder interferometers, 7 and absorption saturation is a necessary element in passive modelocked lasers. 8 Unfortunately, most studies on the nonlinear optical properties of colloidal nanocrystals are performed either at energies well below the first one-photon transition ͑also referred to as the band gap͒ 4,5 or when performed around the band gap, yield results cloaked by thermal effects. 9,10 In this letter, we present the results of a very detailed study on the nonlinear refractive index n 2 of colloidal PbSe quantum dots ͑Q-PbSe͒ in the near-infrared wavelength region of 1200-1750 nm. Using Q-PbSe sizes varying between 3.9 and 5.8 nm, we measured n 2 as a function of wavelength and optical intensity I 0 . Covering a spectral range from the transparency region to the second exciton transition, we observed a strong enhancement of n 2 , correlated with the exciton transitions in the absorbance spectrum. Maximal n 2 values corresponded to −3 to − 410 −11 cm 2 /W for 1 M suspensions. We observed a saturation of the refractive index ␦n = n 2 I 0 only at optical intensities well above the single exciton saturation intensity. This may indicate that the nonlinear refraction is largely due to biexciton creation.State-of-the-art wet chemical synthesis is currently capable of yielding Q-PbSe particle dispersions with sizes varying from approxim...